Monday, April 9, 2012

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Book Review: Cinder

Cinder by Marissa Meyer (5/5 stars)

"Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly plague ravages the population. From space, a ruthless lunar people watch, waiting to make their move. No one knows that Earth’s fate hinges on one girl. . . .

Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She’s a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister’s illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai’s, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world’s future."

-summary taken from goodreads-

My Thoughts: 

Surprisingly, Cinder was a really good book. After I heard that it's a retelling of Cinderella, I though it was just another rip-off.. but it wasn't !

I really liked Cinder, and you know me, not liking heroines who do everything by themselves and all that, but I liked her. Plus, I never read a story where the main character is a Chinese cyborg. A few days before I read this book, I was talking to my dad about how easily the Chinese could buy the whole world in a blink of a minute, and reading how powerful the Chinese are even in a dystopian world, it really makes you think of what's around you.

The story was very well written, I can't wait to read more of her works. Though I wonder, could she have not written an equal great book, the same story and all that without mentioning it was a Cinderella retelling ? Because I for instance except for the big ball (and the little detail I'm not going to mention) did not feel the retelling. It was just a good story, well written.. and ok, the name's alike. But I mean it, and I plan on talking about this in a separate post.

Overall I loved this book, I devoured it in a day (or less, I think), and as soon as I was finished I searched for the release date for Scarlett. 2013.. you've got to be joking.

I'm sorry my reviews are getting shorter, I just didn't feel like talking a lot about this book.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

In My Mailbox #1

So, this is my first ever In My Mailbox, I've been putting it off for almost a month, now. I can't say I got some interesting stuff but here it is:


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Book Review: The Dust of 100 Dogs

The Dust of 100 Dogs by A.S. King (5/5 stars)

"In the late seventeenth century, famed teenage pirate Emer Morrisey was on the cusp of escaping the pirate life with her one true love and unfathomable riches when she was slain and cursed with "the dust of one hundred dogs," dooming her to one hundred lives as a dog before returning to a human body-with her memories intact.

Now she's a contemporary American teenager and all she needs is a shovel and a ride to Jamaica."

-summary taken from goodreads-

My Thoughts:

At first I didn't really feel myself getting into the story at all, but after the start of Emer's life, I couldn't stop. Good thing I was sick, so I finished it in almost two days.

The story starts almost plain, even though the first chapter pretty much represents one of the most dramatic parts in the whole book, I couldn't get into it that fast. I liked Emer's reincarnation, but I think a seventeenth century girl's mind in a twentieth century girl's body is just wrong. First off, Emer was way too smart for my liking and of course for the people in the 80's (I think it was) she either seemed a genius or just silly. Other than that, she was way too perfect in her mind. I hate characters that think the others are nothing compared to them, especially because maybe they went through a terrible incident and that makes then super people.

The other main character, Jake I think his name was, annoyed the hell out of me. Ok, I understand he was somehow a big part in the story, but he was just useless, and I just hate the way King wrote him. She just added a useless, super gross character to the story so she could end it "well".

Getting to that, the ending was ridiculous. At first I though I didn't have a complete copy of something, because it just ended, right there. I don't even understand why you'd actually try to build up a superb plot only to end it like that.

A lot of you may ask if I'm so repulsed by the book why am I giving it five stars. Well that's because I loved it. Even though it has huge flaws, I loved every minute of it. I guess all those flaws is what makes a excellent book, in my opinion.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Inca o postare in romana; oricum, trebuie sa-mi revin si sa ma apuc de recenzii. Poate chiar in seara asta, daca termin cartea pe care o citesc (The Dust of 100 Dogs - A.S. King)

In primul rand, Simona organizeaza un concurs de Dragobete; in ultima vreme m-am inscris cam pe oriunde am dat de Uratii de Scott Westerfeld, pentru ca mor sa o citesc, si m-am saturat de kindle-uri.

Am lasat-o moale rau cu cititul, si nu pot sa zic ca am avut treaba la scoala, pur si simplu imi e cateodata prea lene. In curand o sa postez primul meu "In My Mailbox". A, si inca trebuie sa-i trimit Simonei cartea, am primit deja de la ea Pretul Sangelui.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Goth and the Ghost

Iata ca cei de la Leda ne mai fac o surpriza, acum puteti precomanda Naluca si Naucul (Goth and the Ghost), si aveti 25% reducere si livrarea gratuita. Cartea apare pe 1 martie, iar pretul intreg va fi 39,90.

Precomandati aici.

Book Review: Clockwork Angel

Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare (5/5 stars)

"Magic is dangerous--but love is more dangerous still.
When sixteen-year-old Tessa Gray crosses the ocean to find her brother, her destination is England, the time is the reign of Queen Victoria, and something terrifying is waiting for her in London's Downworld, where vampires, warlocks and other supernatural folk stalk the gaslit streets. Only the Shadowhunters, warriors dedicated to ridding the world of demons, keep order amidst the chaos.
Kidnapped by the mysterious Dark Sisters, members of a secret organization called The Pandemonium Club, Tessa soon learns that she herself is a Downworlder with a rare ability: the power to transform, at will, into another person. What's more, the Magister, the shadowy figure who runs the Club, will stop at nothing to claim Tessa's power for his own.
Friendless and hunted, Tessa takes refuge with the Shadowhunters of the London Institute, who swear to find her brother if she will use her power to help them. She soon finds herself fascinated by--and torn between--two best friends: James, whose fragile beauty hides a deadly secret, and blue-eyed Will, whose caustic wit and volatile moods keep everyone in his life at arm's length...everyone, that is, but Tessa. As their search draws them deep into the heart of an arcane plot that threatens to destroy the Shadowhunters, Tessa realizes that she may need to choose between saving her brother and helping her new friends save the world...and that love may be the most dangerous magic of all."

-summary taken from goodreads

My Thoughts:

I've heard about the Infernal Devices and the Mortal Instruments for a really long time before they were finally published here. At one point I was desperate because I couldn't read them (of course that was before I got myself a free kindle off Amazon and I realized I could read books in digital format as well), and then I went to a Book Fest and I saw it, and I didn't leave the place without it.

The Infernal Devices caught my attention more than the other series, mainly because it's set in a Victorian England, which is one of my favourite periods in time. I though the story was special, of course there are lots of paranormal books out there that include vampires and wizards and werewolves, but non were as good as this one. I loved the humour, especially Will's, it gave the book just that little something it needed to get to five stars.

Now, for the characters, I plan on naming the new golden trio, because that's what they remind me of. Of course, based on that I also have a theory that I could share with whoever asks, just so I won't spoil the book. Tessa, I really liked her, and for those of you who know me, you know I'm a big fan of non-perfect characters. Just like her. I like that she's not that type of heroine that just does everything by herself, that proudly defeats the evil and shares a bit of fame with her friends. No, Cassandra Clare gave every member of "the trio" a special attribute, at least that's what I think, so together they'd be probably unbeatable. I think Tessa has the tactics, Jem the logic on how to put everything in action, and Will is the fighter. I like these kind of characters, that you just want to know more about every one of them. Will's humour knocks me out every time, I couldn't turn the page without reading his lines three or four times just so I'd get a good laugh.

I think this book should be a mind opener for the writing style, the scenery, the characters, for the books that are to come, so this way we all win. I can't wait for Clockwork Prince, even though I've got it on kindle, I still want to hold it in my hand while reading, and that's good, because in my last post I've announced that it's going to be out soon. Maybe I'll get a chance to buy her other series as well, I don't know, it doesn't attract me as much, but I'll probably give it a try.

Romanian lovin' (2)

Siii, m-am intors in propria-mi limba. Cel mai probabil majoritatea au auzit deja, dar s-a anuntat Printul Mecanic, ceea ce inseamna ca mai avem putin si vom putea pune mana pe el. Si au dar vai ce gelosi vor fi amicii din alte tari cand for afla ce surprize ne-au pregatit cei de la Leda in carte.

PRINŢUL MECANIC, cartea a doua din seria DISPOZITIVE INFERNALE de Cassandra Clare
Nu rata continuarea bestsellerului New York Times

În Anglia victoriană, aventurile celor trei prieteni – Tessa, Will şi Jem – continuă! Ei descoperă de ce sumbrul Mortmain – căruia tatăl său, John Shade, îi hărăzise încă de mic copil un viitor strălucit – îi urăşte pe vânătorii de umbre. Totodată, relaţiile dintre cei trei se complică, iar Tessa este pusă în situaţia de a face o alegere delicată. Will îi dezvăluie Tessei un secret dureros, dar pare să fie prea târziu…
Tessa Gray şi-a găsit în sfârşit locul, alături de vânătorii de umbre. Dar liniştea se dovedeşte a fi trecătoare când forţe întunecate din Conclav plănuiesc s-o înlăture de la conducerea Institutului pe Charlotte, protectoarea ei. Dacă se va întâmpla acest lucru, Tessa va ajunge pe străzi, pradă uşoară pentru misteriosul Magistru, care urmăreşte să se folosească de puterile ei în scopuri nu tocmai nobile.
Cu ajutorul lui Will şi Jem, Tessa descoperă că războiul purtat de Magistru împotriva vânătorilor de umbre este cât se poate de personal. El îi învinuieşte pentru o tragedie petrecută cu mult timp în urmă, din pricina căreia, susţine el, viaţa îi fusese distrusă. Pentru a descoperi secretele trecutului, cei trei prieteni călătoresc din Yorkshire-ul învăluit în ceaţă spre un conac de care sunt legate poveşti cumplite; din cartierele sărăcăcioase ale Londrei spre o sală de bal fermecătoare, unde Tessa descoperă că adevărul despre originile ei este mult mai sinistru decât îşi închipuise vreodată. Când se întâlnesc cu un demon mecanic, care-i transmite lui Will un avertisment, aceştia înţeleg că Magistrul le ştie fiecare mişcare – şi că unul dintre apropiaţii lor i-a trădat.
Tessa realizează că inima îi bate din ce în ce mai tare pentru Jem, însă dorinţa de a fi cu Will, în pofida stărilor lui sumbre, continuă să o tulbure. Dar ceva se schimbă în Will – zidul pe care băiatul şi-l construise în jurul lui începe să se năruie. Oare, dacă-l vor găsi pe Magistru, Will va putea să se elibereze de secretele sale şi să-i ofere Tessei răspunsurile legate de originea şi de menirea ei?
În vreme ce căutarea Magistrului, dar şi a adevărului, îi pune pe cei trei prieteni în situaţii primejdioase, Tessa înţelege că, atunci când amesteci dragostea cu minciunile, poţi corupe chiar şi cea mai curată inimă.

Iar pentru fanii seriei, o SURPRIZĂ! – în exclusivitate în paginile acestei ediţii, trei texte inedite:
Dedicaţia lui Will pentru Tessa pe un exemplar din Poveste despre două oraşe, de Charles Dickens.
Epistola scrisă de Will pentru familia lui, la împlinirea vârstei de şaptesprezece ani, dar pe care nu o va expedia niciodată.
Scurtă relatare a primei întâlniri dintre Jem şi Tessa.

De asta merita sa astepti o carte. Pentru ca atunci cand vine, vine cu mult mai multe surprize. In curand voi posta si recenzia Ingerului Mecanic, sper ca in seara asta sau maine dimineata. De asemenea maine dimineata trebuie sa pun Gossip Girl la posta, pentru Simona, cu care am facut schimb de carti, si sa ma duc sa-mi ridic Pretul Sangelui. De asemenea in curand o sa urc si primul meu "In my mailbox", sau ceva-n genul. 


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Book Review: 13 Little Blue Envelopes

13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson (4/5 stars)

"When Ginny receives thirteen little blue envelopes and instructions to buy a plane ticket to London, she knows something exciting is going to happen. What Ginny doesn't know is that she will have the adventure of her life and it will change her in more ways than one. Life and love are waiting for her across the Atlantic, and the thirteen little blue envelopes are the key to finding them in this funny, romantic, heartbreaking novel."

-summary taken from goodreads-

My Thoughts:

13 Little Blue Envelopes is a quick, funny and a little romantic read, I would recommend to everybody. It takes you to a fun trip around Europe.

I've liked this book from the very first page. The idea was very unique and very well written. I liked the way Maureen Johnson describes people or places, or just the way she writes, this is the first book written by her I've read, and so far I like her.

Ginny seemed to me like that one girl that is scared by almost everything, although, I think it was hard for her to take everything in. She is pretty intelligent I have to say, but she still learns a lot of the things she knows, in the countries she visits. As a tourist, she's a little clueless so I guess she never searched or read anything about Europe before, but didn't really bug me. What bugged me about her was the fact that she couldn't decide on certain things, and yes, I understand she may be too young to take some decisions, but that's just what I think. I liked Ginny, maybe not as much as I wish I did, but I still liked her.

Overall, the story is worth reading, there are passages that made me laugh, there are passages that made me cry, and somehow I wished this story never stopped. I'm looking forward to the sequel "The Last Little Blue Envelope" and I hope it's going to be published in Romania as well.

Last advice: Read it ! :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I stole another tag off the internet. :D Everyone's invited to do it.

1. Least favorite book cover?
  I can't stand this the font just doesn't go with the picture, and I can't say I like it either. The Romanian version is worse.

2. What are some weird things you do while reading?
  I don't think I do anything weird while reading.. I do bite and pick at my lips a lot, but I don't see that weird.

3. Where is the oddest place you have ever read a book?
  At a wedding.

4. If you could meet any author from history, who would it be?
  Alexandre Dumas

5. What is the worst book you have ever read?
  Ion - Liviu Rebreanu (Romanian.. yeah..)

6. What books did you love when you were younger?
  Usually fairy tales or fables.

7. Which books would you like to see turned into a movie/not turned into a movie?
  I don't really like when books and turned into movies, or I liked it until all the young actors turned out to be crap.

8. What is your book challenge for this year?
  The Goodreads 2012 reading challenge, the European reading challenge and the Book2Movie reading challenge. I have to get started on the last 2, because I've only read a little from Les Enfants de la liberte by Marc Levy for the European one, and I have to finish Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice AND watch the movie for the last one. I slacked, a lot.

9. Do you take notes?
  In my head, yea.

10. Do you like music/silence while reading?
  Silence, and this will sound weird but I like to imagine I'm hearing what's happening into the book.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Book Review: The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green (5/5 stars)

"Diagnosed with Stage IV thyroid cancer at 12, Hazel was prepared to die until, at 14, a medical miracle shrunk the tumours in her lungs... for now.
Two years post-miracle, sixteen-year-old Hazel is post-everything else, too; post-high school, post-friends and post-normalcy. And even though she could live for a long time (whatever that means), Hazel lives tethered to an oxygen tank, the tumours tenuously kept at bay with a constant chemical assault.
Enter Augustus Waters. A match made at cancer kid support group, Augustus is gorgeous, in remission, and shockingly to her, interested in Hazel. Being with Augustus is both an unexpected destination and a long-needed journey, pushing Hazel to re-examine how sickness and health, life and death, will define her and the legacy that everyone leaves behind."

-summary taken from goodreads-

My Thoughts:

This is the first John Green book I've ever read. I'm not proud, actually I'm feeling a little ashamed because I've read this one first. I think I should have read his early works first, or read his books in chronological order because that way I could've seen him develop his writing. However, I'm sure his other books are just as great and I didn't miss anything, but more on that later.

Usually I don't read books I know I'm gonna cry to, but this one just got me so curious I couldn't ignore it anymore. From the very first page, I couldn't stop reading (I think it took me almost 8-9 hours to finish it). The story, as simple as it looks, is actually very complex to me. Every little detail is crafted in a particular way, every little thing in this book was written to the last detail. 

My favourite character from this book is Augustus. I know Hazel is the main character, and I should like her better, because it's her life, her life-changing decisions, but actually I've felt more drawn to Augustus than to Hazel. He has that thing that makes you like him even if he were a jerk. I also like the fact that he doesn't change much through the story, because he's the one who changes people, and I always like that in characters, because that means they've always known what they wanted from life, and they were on the right track from the whole beginning. That doesn't make any sense, but you'll see it eventually. 

Hazel was ok, I guess. I didn't like her as much as I thought I did in the beginning of the book. She's that type of girl that just knows everything and should be allowed to do anything, especially because of her condition. Also, there's a part in the book that made me.. don't like her at all, but only in that part, but I'm not going to say which part because that would ruin the fun for you guys.

Anyway, I've liked this book a lot, apart from that, it made me cry like a baby. It's a sad story, but it deserves to be read.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Romanian lovin' (1)

So, I've decided to make a category, in which I'm gonna talk about what's happening in Romania, like giveaways, rambles, book launches and all that. Sorry, but I'll keep it in Romanian.

1.  Trei poveşti de iubire de Melissa de la Cruz, un volum satelit al seriei Sânge Albastru. New York Times Bestseller.

Pentru fanii Melissei de la Cruz şi ai seriei Sânge Albastru (din care Editura Leda a publicat deja primele trei volume: Sânge Albastru, Bal mascat şi Revelaţii), iată trei povestiri tulburătoare, în care personaje îndrăgite, vampiri sau nu, trăiesc momente romantice, îşi împărtăşesc iubirea sau află ce înseamnă suferinţa din dragoste.

Oare va putea o tânără vrăjitoare să vindece inima frântă a lui Oliver?Cum a ajuns Allegra să se îndrăgostească de o fiinţă umană?Oare Schuyler şi Jack, după atâtea momente de cumpănă, vor fi în cele din urmă uniţi?
Chiar dacă cei cu Sânge Albastru au puteri care merg dincolo de înţelegerea umană, atunci când vine vorba de dragoste, nimeni, nici chiar aceşti vampiri nemuritori, nu deţin un control deplin.
Romantism, senzualitate, iubiri interzise, pasiuni care înving timpul ,toate acestea se împletesc într-un volum deosebit care va apărea în cel mai potrivit moment al anului:Ziua Îndrăgostiţilor.
Pregătiţi-vă să fiţi iremediabil cuceriţi.

Nu rata ediţia de chioşc specială :cadou de Ziua Îndrăgostiţilor. Din 14 februarie 2012 numai împreună cu revista BRAVO.

Preţ excepţional: 10.99 lei.

2. BLESTEMUL FOCULUI, vol. 1 din seria ELITA ÎNTUNECATĂ de Chloe Neill în curând la Editura LEDA

Blestemul focului, volumul 1 din seria Elita Întunecată al îndragitei autoare Chloe Neill, e o carte a personajelor puternice, a suspansului şi a replicilor savuroase.
Lily se trezeşte brusc într-o şcoală particulară elitistă din Chicago, înconjurată de fete răsfăţate, pline de bani şi de ifose.
Scout, ciudata fată cu cercel în nas care primeşte semnale misterioase pe telefon şi dispare în fiecare noapte, e cea care o menţine pe linia de plutire şi care îi dezvăluie o lume nocturnă foarte activă în subsolurile şcolii.
Grupul de adolescenţi cu puteri magice din care face parte Scout îl are printre ei şi pe chipeşul Jason, şi astfel tensiunea cărţii se echilibrează cu un strop de romance. De remarcat tachinările dintre personaje!
Cu atâta acţiune şi suspans continuu, viaţa lui Lily la Sfânta Sofia nu mai e deloc plictisitoare, cu atât mai mult cu cât faptul că şi ea are anumite puteri magice de care nu avusese habar nu e singurul lucru pe care îl descoperă…

„Dacă îţi doreşti o poveste cu intrigi, mister, magie şi un strop de romance, ai în faţă cartea potrivită.” – Bookstack

„Chloe Neill a creat nişte personaje extraordinare, iar eroina, Lily, are o voce minunată, antrenantă. Fanii cărţilor de urban fantasy şi paranormal sigur nu au cum să rateze acest roman şi se vor cufunda în magica lume subterană a oraşului Chicago.” – Fresh Fiction

Cartea are 352 de pagini, formatul 13×20 cm, este cartonată fără supracopertă şi costă 36,90 lei, preţ de listă. La precomandă beneficiaţi de reducerea de 25% şi transport gratuit.

din 25 februarie 2012 cu revista JOY, numărul de martie 2012

Totul a început cu o maşină roşie de tuns iarba…
Când Nancy îşi vede pe peluză cadoul de Crăciun de la soţul ei, îşi dă seama că bijuteria pe care o aşteptase se află de fapt pe mâna altcuiva. Deci cine a primit diamantul ei?
Carmen, prietena cea mai bună a lui Nancy, a renunţat la iubire atunci când şi-a pierdut soţul adorat, rock starul milionar Spike Todd. Carmen are nevoie acum de un bărbat care s-o trezească la viaţă, dar alegerea lui nu e atât de uşoară.
Mia tocmai a sosit la Londra pentru a sta cu tatăl ei, atrăgătorul Connor O’Shea. Din clipa în care o cunoaşte pe scorpia ce ar putea deveni viitoarea ei mamă vitregă, se hotărăşte să joace rolul lui Cupidon – iar săgeţile ei, trimise total haotic, vor crea confuzie, dar în acelaşi timp vor arăta drumul adevăratei iubiri…
Imprevizibilă, plină de întorsături neaşteptate, de romantism, pe alocuri sexy şi teribil de amuzantă, cartea spune mai multe poveşti odată, purtându-ne cu isteţime prin acest labirint umoristico-amoros populat cu o galerie fascinantă de personaje fermecătoare… şi, mai ales, făcându-ne să descoperim în fiecare erou/eroină câte ceva din noi!

Cartea are 496 de pagini, formatul 10,5×17,5 cm, este broşata, preţ revista + carte: urmează să vi-l comunic, atunci când îl voi primi, dar cred că va fi în jurul a 11,99 lei pe volum.

JILL MANSELL, una dintre cele mai cunoscute autoare britanice contemporane, este iubită de femei din întreaga lume pentru romanele ei amuzante, care vorbesc despre dragoste, sex şi relaţii dintre oameni.
În prezent, trăieşte in Bristol cu partenerul ei şi copiii lor.
A publicat 19 titluri, unele dintre ele ajungnd pe listele de bestselleruri ale marilor cotidiene, fiind vândute in peste 3 milioane de exemplare.


La categoria concursuri, tocmai m-am inscris pe blogul Biancai la un concurs Libris. Pe langa asta, astept cu nerabdare sa fac rost de bani sa merg la cumparaturi :D.

De asemenea pe blogul Walking on Letters, m-am inscris la un concurs Leda cu speranta sa castig Incredibil de Sara Shepard.

Friday, January 13, 2012


So, I found this on the internet and I considered it pretty interesting. Everyone (who somehow manages to find this blog, God bless you) is welcome to do it on their blog.

1. One book that changed your life?
  Um, I don't think I ever read a book that changed my life, though.. I might say The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown, and other books that are raising questions about religion, kinda make me question my own religion.

2. One book you have read more than once?
 REM - Mircea Cartarescu (Romanian that is); this book is an easy read, and it makes me (I don't know why) remember about my childhood.

3. One book you would want on a desert island?
 Well, I'd probably take one that I'd like to read before I die.. I'll go with Shogun by James Clavell. I'd like to see myself finishing that.

4. One book that made you laugh?
 I don't know why, but every Sherlock Holmes story makes me laugh. The relationship between Holmes and Watson is hilarious to me.

5. One book that made you cry?
 Well.. let's just say I'll never forget dear ol' Jo for killing Fred. THAT'S WHEN MY CHILDHOOD ENDED !!

6. One book you wish had been written?
 Pff.. there are lots. For instance I would've loved a Harry Potter prequel, an insider on the Maraunders' lifes before the war, or more Agatha Christie books, maybe one on Hercule Poirot's childhood.

7. One book you wish had never had been written?
 I can't wish that. Whether I like a book or not it's my opinion, but that "bad book" makes another kid read. So, every book was written for its own purpose.

8. One book you are currently reading?
 Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer. Though, the series kinda started to go downhill.

9. One book you have been meaning to read?
 Divergent by Veronica Roth. I won it a month ago and I never find the time to start it. 

2012 reading challenges.

I sure have something to do this year.

Book2Movie Challenge - I mainly have to read 12 books this year, and watch the movie made of that book, and also, review the books.

European Reading Challenge - I have to read between 1 and 5 European books to read, and if I review them, I have a chance to win a prize, depending on how many books I chose to read. I personally think I'll go with 5. Won't be that hard.


Hey guys, I'm Andreea, I'm not new on blogger, I've actually had a blog on another account, on which I wrote in Romanian (my first language), but things happened and I had to delete it, but that's alright because it was private (long story) anyway. I've wanted to open a book blog for a really long time now, but this isn't going to be just books, because I've blogged for two years, and I got addicted to writing interesting thing that happen to me, everyday or every moment that I feel the need to. I'm a blogger, so if I don't write my thoughts somewhere, bad things happen :D. Just to warn you, my writing style is a really childish, and sometimes I make references to movies/books/people, I might swear sometimes, I'm still trying to keep that under control, and since English is not my first language, I might have typos from time to time. You've been warned.
Oh, and also, when it comes to paranormal romances (or just paranormal) if it's not a classic, my rating is pretty strict, just because.. I can. No, let me elaborate that. You see, I'm not a fan of paranormal, I read it, but just because I see a lot of people reading it, or I hear stuff about it, or I just feel like reading paranormal. Yes, I actually do feel like reading paranormal sometimes; it's that thing when today you feel like reading something and then after a week you feel like reading another type of book. I'm not strict with classics, or the ones I consider to be classics, because in my opinion most paranormal nowadays is written just so the authors can win a couple of bucks. Don't decapitate me, that's just the way I think.
That being it :) I can't wait to start.